Our Commitment to Using Reclaimed Materials

Solid 2-inch thick, salvaged red oak tops this industrial kitchen island.

Solid 2-inch thick, salvaged red oak tops this industrial kitchen island.

We’ve made a commitment to use discarded and reclaimed materials whenever possible. We do this for two reasons:

1. We want to be good stewards of what God has given us. Sadly, ours has become a throwaway society, as people believe it’s cheaper and easier to toss something out and buy a new whatever-it-is. We hate to see landfills spilling over with salvageable items.

2. We appreciate the quality of seasoned, salvaged materials. At ReinVintage Blessings, we firmly believe the phrase “They don’t make ’em like they used to.” Old wood is special, nuanced. It has a look, a hardness, a uniqueness that you simply do not get with newer wood, and certainly not with pressed wood, plywood or fiberboard. Old metal has developed a patina that you can’t authentically duplicate, even with sophisticated painting techniques.


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